(Apr. 18, 1872-Nov. 29, 1942). Born in Brownsburg, Indiana, the son of Joseph Eastman, a prominent early surgeon in Indiana, young Eastman attended the Indianapolis Public Schools, Butler Preparatory School (see Butler University), and Wabash College. He graduated in 1894 from the Central College of Physicians and Surgeons, which his father had helped to establish (see Medical Schools). He also visited and studied surgery at many universities in the United States and Europe.

Eastman contributed numerous articles to U.S. and foreign medical journals. For many years, he was the director and owner of the Joseph Eastman Hospital in Indianapolis, a hospital established by his father in 1893. He was founder and governor of the American College of Surgeons, president of the Western Surgical Association, and president of the Indianapolis Medical Society and the Indiana State Medical Association, among others. He was a professor of surgery at the Indiana University School of Medicine and was active as a surgeon at the Indianapolis City Hospital beginning in 1900.

Revised February 2021

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