(Mar 5, 1792-Apr 3, 1833). Arriving in Indianapolis in December 1821 from Henry County, Kentucky, Gregg was admitted to practice law at the initial meeting of the First Circuit Court in Marion County in September 1822. The next year, he formed a law partnership with fellow Kentuckian Gabriel J. Johnston.

On March 7, 1823, Gregg and Douglass Maguire, also from Kentucky, began publication of the Western Censor & Emigrants Guide, the second newspaper established in Indianapolis. Gregg sold his interest in the paper in late 1824 to John Douglass, the first state printer, and turned to his law practice. During the mid-1820s and again in the early 1830s, he served as the prosecuting attorney for the judicial circuit that included Marion County. He lost a bid for state auditor in 1828.

Revised March 2021

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