(Apr. 29, 1799-Oct. 13, 1857). Born in Fayette County, Kentucky, Maguire came to Indianapolis in 1823. On March 7, 1823, Maguire and fellow Kentucky lawyer Harvey Gregg established the city’s second newspaper, the Western Censor & Emigrants’ Guide. A supporter and friend of politician Henry Clay, Maguire and his newspaper strongly opposed Democratic candidate Andrew Jackson’s campaign for the White House in 1824, continuing their opposition to Jackson and his followers after the election.

Gregg sold his interest in the newspaper to John Douglass on October 29, 1824. Douglass and Maguire operated the Western Censor & Emigrants’ Guide together until January 11, 1825, when its name was changed to the Indiana Journal. Maguire left the newspaper in January 1826, only to return as editor three years later. He continued in that post until 1829. A year later, he married Rebecca Porter of Bainbridge, Ohio.

Along with his newspaper career, Maguire was active in business and politics. He served as president of the first insurance company in Indianapolis, which was organized on March 16, 1836, and was selected by the Indiana legislature to be state auditor for the years 1847 to 1850. Maguire was also a Marion County delegate to the 1850 Indiana constitutional convention and was on the Indianapolis Common Council from 1853 to 1856.

Revised March 2021

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