Clermont is a northwest town located along Crawfordsville Road (U.S. Highway 136) at the Marion County line. In April 1849, Percy Hosbrook laid out the town of Mechanicsburg alongside a proposed depot for the Indianapolis, Bloomington, and Western Railroad. The original name reflected its early settlement by craftsmen, though it became Clermont in 1853 to avoid confusion with another Mechanicsburg in the state. The little town grew slowly throughout the 19th century. The first church was organized in 1850, the first school in 1856. Fifty years later; Clermont counted only 205 inhabitants. Significant growth occurred in the post-World War II era, as Indianapolis expanded westward.

A small single-story brick building with a green awning and two green doors.
The Clermont Town Hall and Clermont Police Department, 9049 and 9051 Crawfordsville Road, 2021 Credit: Jenna Auber

Clermont was incorporated in 1903 and under Unigov has Included Town status. Residents elect a three-member town council and a clerk-treasurer.

Clermont is home to a number of small retail shops, restaurants, and light industries. Miller Pipeline moved its headquarters to Clermont in 1988. Vectren purchased Miller Pipeline in 2006, and it became a subsidiary of CenterPoint Energy when Vectren merged with it in 2009. 

Revised June 2021

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