Provided for by state law, school districts are legally distinct from the municipal or township governments within which they operate. There are 11 school districts in Marion County: Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS), School City of Beech Grove, School Town of Speedway, Franklin Township Community School District, and the Metropolitan School Districts of Decatur, Lawrence, Perry, Pike, Warren, Washington, and Wayne townships. The school district boundaries have not been affected by the school consolidation law of 1958, the creation of Unigov, or numerous attempts to consolidate all Marion County schools. The IPS district retains the old city boundaries; Speedway and Beech Grove districts have preserved their municipal boundaries; and the township districts have jurisdiction over the remaining areas within their respective township boundaries.

Voters within most districts elect their school boards, either by geographic districts or at large, but the town or city council appoints the boards in the Speedway and Beech Grove districts. All boards have five members except IPS, Warren Township, and Wayne Township, which have seven members. According to state guidelines, the school boards are responsible for appointing a superintendent, setting an annual budget, financing the budget through property taxes and or bond issues, furnishing teachers and equipment, constructing and maintaining school facilities, and approving school policy. The boards must present their budgets to the County Board of Tax Adjustment for annual review.

*Note: This entry is from the original print edition of the Encyclopedia of Indianapolis (1994). We seek an individual with knowledge of this topic to update this entry.

Revised January 1994

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