The Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee (GIPC) convenes representatives from all sectors of the community to address the most significant issues of concern and areas for opportunity related to the progress of the City of Indianapolis. GIPC launched the Indianapolis Race and Cultural Relations Leadership Network (RCRLN) in 1995 to help it fulfill this mission.

As a GIPC standing committee, the Race and Cultural Relations Leadership Network gathers monthly at the Indianapolis Urban League and serves as a mechanism to foster positive relationships among diverse populations and respond to racially and culturally charged issues in the greater Indianapolis community. Its goal is to improve the quality of life for the city’s residents by advocating and coordinating a community response to issues and situations that arise within the Greater Indianapolis area that have racial or cultural implications. The Network also proactively implements activities that foster good relationships among diverse populations.

GIPC received $35,000 from the Indianapolis Foundation in 2019 to support the Network’s 25th anniversary as well as to fulfill its goal to foster positive relationships among diverse populations and respond to racially and culturally charged issues in the Indianapolis community.

Revised June 2021

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