One of the compromises made to secure passage of the
legislation was that all incorporated Marion County municipalities with populations of more than 5,000 would be excluded from the city-county consolidation. This exclusion reduced opposition to Unigov among the larger and more influential suburbs within the county.
The municipalities originally excluded were the cities of
and and the town of . Just before Unigov took effect the city of annexed enough territory to meet the population requirement and attain exclusion.These four municipalities remain part of Marion County but not of Indianapolis. They are essentially self-governing municipalities. Their residents are subject to all countywide ordinances, receive all countywide services, and pay all countywide taxes. They also vote in elections for the Unigov mayor and the
, in addition to their own municipal officials. Their municipal services are either self-provided or secured from Indianapolis or the township in which they are located.Revised February 2021
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