The Carmel Symphony Orchestra (CSO) began as a small community orchestra in 1975.  Viktors Ziedonis, a Latvian immigrant who previously conducted the Berlin Orchestra, led the 15 volunteer members of the orchestra. He conducted the CSO in its first performance on December 21, 1976, at the Carmel High School auditorium and continued conducting through the first two seasons. After the departure of Ziedonis, a series of conductors, each lasting one or two seasons, assumed directorship of the CSO. 

Five people are in a rock quarry, posing with their instruments.
Carmel Symphony Orchestra members at the Martin-Marietta Quarry (From left–Jan Brill, cello; John Kassenbaum, violin; Robert Day, trumpet; Jane Poio, clarinet; Laura Payne, bass), 1998 Credit: Damon Winter, IndyStar View Source

The CSO grew slowly through the 1980s and 1990s. The orchestra began the Young People’s Soloist Search Contest in 1980 (later the Young Artist Competition) to provide an avenue for young musicians from Central Indiana to compete amongst peers. That same year, a group of women formed the Carmel Symphony Orchestra Women’s Association (later renamed Carmel Symphony Orchestra League) to raise funds and provide general support to the orchestra. In 1981, the CSO moved to Carmel High School. Three years later, the CSO found long-term stability in leadership when David Pickett assumed conductorship of the orchestra until 1998. By the end of the 1990s, the CSO had grown to a 65-member ensemble featuring a mix of paid professional musicians and unpaid formally trained artists.  

In 1999, David Bowden joined the CSO, replacing Pickett.  In January 2011, the CSO became the resident orchestra at the Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel and had grown to 85 members. Bowden’s tenure lasted until 2016. Subsequent conductors have been Janna Hymes (2017-2023) and David Commanday (2023-current).   

Revised July 2024

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