A legacy from the estate of Edward A. Block, a member of the
and heir of department stores, provided the endowment for this adult lecture series established in 1982 by the Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation Foundation. Held in the fall and spring through 2007, the adult education lecture series offered topics “relevant to intergroup and Jewish-Christian relations.” The series brought in a number of nationally and internationally known speakers and often sold out. Speakers included such notables as Julian Bond, Zbigniew Brezinski, Elie Wiesel, Ralph Nader, Alexander M. Haig Jr., Abba Eban, Beverly Sills, Cokie Roberts, Capt. Wally Schirra, Senator William Proxmire, Dr. C. Everett Koop, Leonard Nimoy, Laura Ingraham, and Colin Powell.Revised June 2021
Cultural Institutions
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