The Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre (GHDT) is a professional contemporary dance company that choreographer and artistic director Gregory Glade Hancock established in 1997 in Carmel, Indiana. The group performs modern dance, classical and contemporary ballet, theatre, and ethnic dance forms. The amalgamation of these forms creates a distinct style of movement that focuses on theatrical storytelling. The dance company focuses on relevant social, cultural, historical, and spiritual themes through performances that range from small pieces to full-length ballets.

A man and woman are mid-dance.
Two dancers rehearse for the Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre production of “Orient Express,” 2007 Credit: Rich Miller, IndyStar View Source

The dance company opened its permanent rehearsal space and Academy in 2009 at the Center for Performing Arts in Carmel. It was the resident professional dance company of the center, performing at the Tarkington Theatre. The Academy also served as a training facility for young aspiring dancers by providing year-round youth programs and summer intensive internships.

In 2022, Gregory Hancock created The Florence Theatre, an intimate black box theater in Carmel. Black box theaters are popular with training programs as the theater requires limited set construction and basic technical arrangements which encourage audience members to focus on the actors rather than the aesthetics of the theater. Hancock dedicated The Florence to honor and celebrate the life of his mother, Florence Marie Hancock, who tirelessly supported Hancock’s artistic ambitions. Equipped with black wrap-around curtains, LED theatre lighting system, and a sound system, the venue offers cushioned seating for more than 50 audience members. In addition to the black box theatre, Gregory Hancock established the Florence Marie Hancock Scholarship to assist young dancers in their pursuit of artistic expression at the GHDC and to further the legacy of his mother.

Throughout its existence, GHDC has received funding from major stakeholders in Indianapolis with an interest in the arts. In November 2023, the GHDC received a $687,000 Christel DeHaan Legacy Gift in the form of an endowment after the Christel DeHaan Foundation announced that it would cease operations and distribute its funds to organizations in the arts.

Revised May 2024

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